Planning ahead for recruiting in the drinks industry

In a tight market, now is the time for drinks businesses to put their best foot forward in the recruitment process with BrightSide Executive Search.

Recruitment is an incredibly competitive space at the moment. After the uncertainty of the pandemic, candidates are making measured choices about their careers, and businesses that aren’t on their toes will miss out on the best hires.

Luckily, there is a recruitment agency solely dedicated to connecting the drinks industry, by helping businesses attract and retain top talent.

BrightSide Executive Search is the only dedicated drinks specialist agency in the country. It’s headed up by Directors Amber King and Sue Lauritz, who are very passionate about the industry and love what they do in supporting it.

BrightSide works in partnership with drinks businesses to help them find the right person for each role. Being a national business with its finger on the pulse of the industry, it is connected to a wide network of talent which includes a huge array of potential candidates that often aren’t uncovered by internal recruitment processes.

“We work as a trusted business partner, so clients who regularly communicate their vision and their plans can get a better piece of that talent pool because we understand their ongoing needs,” Lauritz said.

Not only does this give you a higher chance of finding the absolute right person for the role, but you can save on time and money – drinks businesses that work with BrightSide can keep their entire team focused on what they do best, while the BrightSide team does what they do best, taking over the time-consuming talent search process. It delivers a much more effective and efficient result than trying to do it yourself on Seek.

“We often say our net worth is our network, that’s why people come to us instead of doing it themselves. We’ve been specialists in drinks for over 15 years, and it’s our job to know everybody,” King said.

As we move full steam ahead into 2023, now is the time to be planning your key hires for the new year and taking advantage of what BrightSide can offer.

As Lauritz said: “It’s time to be strategic. Failing to plan is planning to fail, and I think in this tight market, that is something businesses cannot afford. If you want the right person for the role to start in early 2023, you need a considered and thorough search, and that needs to start now.

“You also want to be ahead of the competition as well. What we’re seeing is a lot of drinks companies looking for the same talent, so the sooner you are getting into the market, the more you can be ahead of the curve in accessing the best talent.”

Late January is a busy time for BrightSide when it comes to candidate contact, as it is when people have had a chance to recharge and reflect on whether they are ready for a change in their professional lives. Companies that partner with BrightSide to talk long-term recruitment needs have added benefits at this time of year, as the team knows what roles are coming up soon and can keep this in mind when liaising with these candidates. It’s another efficiency benefit that comes with working with BrightSide.

King adds: “It’s all about open communication. The clients we work the best with are those that see us as an extension of their business. If we know what your headcount approval looks like and where your existing talent gaps are, then we can can work hand-inglove with you to create solutions and uncover quality candidates throughout the year.”


View the full article in the National Liquor News, January 2023 edition